What is on?

The Ballery 
Simon Williams

Nollendorfstrasse 11-12, 10777 Berlin
[email protected]
0175 5597977

Winter general opening times
Friday: 18hr – 22hr
Saturday: 14-17hr
Monday – Thursday: 13hr – 17hr
Open by appointment at all other times: 0175 5597977 / [email protected]

The Ballery, Simon Williams invites you to our next open event – B6

An sharing of visual and performing arts with a collective of Berlin based artists and friends.

Friday 14th February 2025
Everyone welcome

What brings people to work together? For The Ballery, it has been the impulse to form a collective of artists and performers who have stepped out of the main stream to follow their own personal path, and whose artistry comes from a keen observation of the world, as well as a strong and wide-ranged background.

Because all believe creation, whatever the medium, is deeply rooted in human experiences, the common wish is to lead the audience to actively live the performance more than merely watching a show.

Around director Simon Williams, The Ballery has gathered a group of artists coming from all parts of the world. Dance, music, visual arts or literature, each medium is an equally important part of a more global work.

The Ballery, Nollendorfstrasse 11-12, 10777 Berlin

Entrance 10€
Free entry 6-6:30pm

The Ballery in Schöneberg Berlin is inviting artists of all genres to submit works and proposals for a series of exhibition events starting January 10th.

Artists will ideally be in Berlin and be able to deliver their works to and from The Ballery as well as be present for the event in which they will be featured.

Exhbition events at The Ballery feature both visual and performance artists.

Artists are invited to submit one work or a small series to [email protected]

Performance artists are asked to get in touch and meet in person at The Ballery. A Boston grand piano is available. Rehearsal space is also available for performers.

Ballery exhibition events will take place every Friday throughout the season.

Events are curated by Ballery director Simon Williams. Selected artists will be allocated a date depending on availability and suitablitly.

It is free to take part in this project and artists have the opportunity to sell their works.

Works must be delivered to The Ballery on the Tuesday before the exhibition and removed the following Monday.

If you are interested in being part of this project in any aspect whether in the planning, coordination or curation then please get in touch.

The Ballery presents an independent collective of artists and performers who have stepped out of the main stream to follow their own personal path, and whose artistry comes from a keen observation of the world. Consisting of artists coming from all parts of the world, visual arts, dance, music, film, or literature, each medium is an equally important part of a more global work.

An opportuniy for piano composers and pianists to perform at The Ballery, Schöneberg, Berlin in 2025

The Ballery Simon Williams, in Schöneberg, Berlin is developing a choreographers / dancers lab this season. There will be opportunites for choreographers to show works in progess and for professional dancers of all backgrounds to meet.

Please get in touch via email to [email protected]

An improvisation on the theme RED Live from The Ballery